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Unlock unparalleled insights with Real-World Data

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the full patient journey with our extensive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) data set, from The US Oncology Network.

Oncology RWD Key Features

Patient Journey

Comprehensive Longitudinal Patient View

Get specificity and clinical depth through a comprehensive set of variables, including outcomes, Gain a holistic understanding of the patient journey.


Early-stage data insights

Gain valuable insights into the full patient journey, from initial diagnosis to treatment and beyond, and identify patterns and trends that can inform research strategies 

Data Evidence

Standardized, reliable and complete

Gain transparency and reliability for easier and more accurate data analysis and interpretation. Access 120+ elements mapped to the most granular available concept from industry standard terminologies; structured and unstructured data from iKnowMed, the leading community oncology specific EHR

Oncology Data Benefits


Connect with an expert

To learn more, we invite you to book an introductory call with one of our oncology data experts. We will be delighted to guide you through the features, benefits, and customization options available to meet your specific research needs.